Monday, May 16, 2011

Did children go to school, if so at what age?

Young children spent their childhood playing with toys, messing around and being a kid. At seven the children learned and studied. They also had to work on chores. At twelve to fourteen, the children were now young adults. They had to work. It wasn't until the 1200's the schools to teach peasant children were finally made. School masters advertised so children would go to their school and pay with their money. School masters tried to  have more children and people come to their school so they will earn more money. The more academical the children are the longer they will stay in school and get a better education.

Children played games like puppets, they also play with each other and hop scotch. They played with balls and leap frog. The children also had to help work in the town with their fathers business. Some children who's father is a wood carver, the job of the children would pick up scraps off of the ground. Children in the medieval times followed the jobs that their father had.

1 comment:

  1. so education wasn't very common in medieval times?it seems like it and children still followed their parents
